Good News

Skyler Ewing from Pexels

Pete Kelly

Monday, October 21st, 2024 11:03am

The Federal Trade Commission announced a new Click To Cancel rule that will force companies to make it just as easy to cancel as it is to sign up! This new rule will require companies to provide the same amount of steps, if not fewer, that were used to sign up, and people can cancel the same way they signed up, which means no more phone calls or travelling in-person to cancel when you signed up online! Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

A new robot can disassemble e-waste to make it easier to reuse and recycle old electronics! These robots can take apart old devices in as less as five minutes. Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

A new cervical cancer treatment has reduced fatality rates by 40%! Learn about it here! (Good News Network)

A hydrogen powered car fueled by sewage and other waste may soon be going for a land speed record! Check out the car here! (Good News Network)

Frank J from Pexels

Pete Kelly

Monday, October 7th, 2024 2:30pm

A new type of fabric influenced by squid has been created by researchers at the University of California that can adjust temperature to a specific temperature controlled by your body. Researchers suggest this could be especially useful for cold weather clothing. Read more here! (Good News Network)

The number of one-horned rhinoceroses poached in India has fallen by 86% since 2016 and for the first time since 1970, no rhinos were poached in the country. Government programs have protected these rhinos which are an important part of their biodiversity. Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

There are some promising signs that inflation is beginning to slow down and increases in wages are finally outpacing inflation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation climbed 2.5% over the last 12 months (ending in August) down from 3.4% over the previous year, and average hourly earnings have increased 4%. Read more about these stats and decreased crime rates here! (Good News Network)

Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Pete Kelly

Monday, September 30th, 2024 11:26am

A new study published in the Endocrine Society finds people who drink three cups of coffee per day had a lower risk of diseases like heart disease and stroke, which are some of the most common causes of death. Read more about the study here! (Good News Network)

Researchers in China have found a way cure type-1 diabetes through a new stem cell procedure using a patients own stem cells! Read more about the science of it here! (Good News Network)

US deaths by drug overdose have plummeted by over 10% while some states had decreases up to 30%! Not only is this the first time in decades the number has decreased, but it's decreased by double digits! Drugs that help interrupt an overdose have made a considerable difference. Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

Chevanon Photography from Pexels

Pete Kelly

Monday, September 16th, 2024 3:50pm

According to the Mount Sinai Hospital, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are actually good for your health! The spice is rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Cinnamon and ginger may reduce high blood sugar and high cholesterol levels, and Ginger and Nutmeg help with indigestion, bloating and nausea. Read more here (Vogue)!

Cars and planes could soon be built out of batteries! Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed a carbon fibre battery that could cover cars, phones and even laptops and allow energy storage while making each of them lighter! Read more here (Good News Network)!

LEGO announced they're increasing the amount of recycled products in their bricks to 50% without increasing prices! Read more here! (Good News Network)

Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Pete Kelly

Monday, August 19th, 2024 9:57am

An entrepreneur in India has developed a biodegradable bag made out of sugar, cellulose and corn fibers which can be used like a plastic bag, but breaks down after just 6 months! These bags have successfully replaced nearly 6 million plastic bags already across India! Read more about him and his invention here! (Good News Network)

Researchers in Canada have discovered a protein that has the ability to stop DNA damage, which could help with farming and preventing cancer! This is the first time a protein has not only been found to stop DNA damage, but can repair DNA as well. Read more about this protein here! (Good News Network)

Prescription drug prices for ten expensive drugs will plummet in 2026 after negotiations between the government and pharmaceutical companies! Prices are set to drop anywhere from 38-79% on many important drugs. Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

Suzy Hazelwood / Pexels

Pete Kelly

Monday, August 12th, 2024 11:57am

Microplastics in our drinking water has been a concern as of late, but a new study from Guangzhou University finds that boiling tap water can remove anywhere between 25-90% of microplastics found in water! If microplastics in water is a concern for you, this is an easy way to keep them out of your body. Read more about the study here! (Good News Network)

A new water-powered, electric bandage can help heal serious wounds 30% faster than traditional bandages, while being affordable! Read how it works here! (Good News Network)

Brad Paisley has announced he's planning to open a second "free grocery store" in Nashville for people who need it! Brad originally opened "The Store" back in 2020 in Nashville and has since helped thousands of people with free groceries. Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

RDNE Stock project from Pexels

Pete Kelly

Monday, August 5th, 2024 3:48pm

An 18-year-old in Oklahoma has raised over $1.3 million over 9 years to buy school supplies for students across the country! Just this hear he distributed 6,000 backpacks stuffed full of school supplies to students in need! Read more and learn how you can donate here! (Good News Network)

New discoveries by the University of Birmingham have found that microbes living inside of tree bark can make a significant impact on absorbing methane! Read more about its potential impact here! (Good News Network)

Engineers at MIT have discovered a chemical reaction between coffee grounds, old aluminum soda cans and seawater that could create hydrogen gas, helping power ships and submarines! Read more about how it works here! (Good News Network)

nishizuka - Pexels

Pete Kelly

Monday, July 29th, 2024 4:02pm

A new blood test can diagnose sepsis in less than ten minutes with a 97% accuracy rate! Sepsis is often mistaken for less serious illnesses, and isn't caught until it's too late. This new blood test is already in use in Louisiana and will be in ten more hospitals by the end of the year. Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

A tiny Chihuahua in Tennessee has a special medical condition where his head has a soft spot where his skull didn't fully develop. A faculty member at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga worked with a recent graduate to create a 3D printed helmet for the dog! Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

A small city in California is trialing a city-wide reusable cup program with 30 restaurants participating in the trial! Nearly 50 billion disposable cups are used every year in the United States alone, so any success reducing that number could have a huge impact! Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

YouTube - #TeamSeas

Pete Kelly

Monday, July 22nd, 2024 8:06am

A massive helium reservoir has been discovered in Minnesota. Helium is a rare resource which is used in many important engineering and technological fields. The initial concentration of helium was estimated at 0.3%, which at the time was considered "mind-boggling", but after further tests it's closer to 15%! Read more about it here! (Good News Network)

Crowdfunding led by YouTuber MrBeast raised over $30 million for an ocean cleanup project, which removed over 34 million pounds of trash from beaches, rivers and oceans! 172,263 volunteers over 73 countries contributed towards the cleanup efforts. Check out the story in the video below!

Scientists have developed a way to use whey protein to recover gold from old electronics, which will drastically reduce the cost of recycling electronics! Recycling electronics has always been costly, however the value of the gold recovered is 50 times higher than the costs of this new style of recycling. Read more here! (Good News Network)

Pixabay / lachrimae72

Pete Kelly

Monday, July 15th, 2024 9:00am

A great-grandmother in Pennsylvania who recently completed radiation therapy for breast cancer just won $5 million from a scratch-off! She's not sure what she'll do with the money yet, other than a well deserved trip to Alaska! Read more here!

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg's charity, Bloomberg Philanthropies, has announced they're donating $1 billion to John Hopkins University, which will allow tuition to be free for a majority of their students! Read more here!

The capital of Denmark has launched a program where tourists can earn "credits" towards their vacation by picking up trash, volunteering or using clean transport! Rewards include free coffee, kayak tours, or free entrance to a number of attractions including museums. Read more here!



YouTube - MrBeast

Pete Kelly

Monday, July 8th, 2024 9:14am

A New Process Could Make Clothing Recyclable

A new chemical combination could allow fibers like nylon to be separated from cotton, which could allow clothing to become easily recycled! Currently clothing accounts for nearly 10% of all landfill waste.

Having Gratitude Linked To Lower Risk Of Death

A new study finds those who feel thankful have a lower mortality rate than those who don't. This is on top of studies which have found grateful people get better sleep, have better immune system function, cholesterol levels, and have a lower risk of depression. Changing your perspective may be good for your health!

MrBeast Builds 100 Homes To Help Disaster Areas

Popular YouTuber MrBeast constructed 100 homes for those in need in Central and South America, including El Salvador, Argentina and Columbia! These homes were built for families who became homeless after their homes were destroyed due to natural disasters such as floods and landslides.


Pixabay / Ronile

Pete Kelly

Monday, July 1st, 2024 3:29pm

Teen Has World's First Brain Implant To Control Epilepsy Seizures

A teenager in England who has suffered with as many as 100 seizures a day has received the world's first brain implant to control his seizures!

10 Metrics Reveal America's Economy Recovering Quickly

Putting politics aside, there are some positive signs that the United States is recovering quicker than other nations since the pandemic! These include wage growth versus inflation, increased manufacturing, lower unemployment rates, stock market value, prescription costs decreasing, an increase in high school graduation rates, and a decrease in smoking and pregnancy rates among teens.

3 Tech Trends That Could End World Hunger

New crop breeding techniques, data analysis to help farmers with more precise farming techniques and farming products using more natural ingredients could be combined to greatly increase food production.

Karen Ronquillo/YouTube

Pete Kelly

Monday, June 24th, 2024 2:05pm

Woman Raises $233,000 to Give 90-year-old Veteran Still Working in the Heat the Option to Retire (Good News Network)

A former news reporter met a 90-year-old Veteran pushing carts at a grocery store in Louisiana and shot a video which in turn raised over $233,000 in donations, blowing past her goal of $35,000. This money will finally allow him to retire if he chooses to!

Students Invent Leaf Blower Silencer Attachment–Corporation Expects to Be Selling Them Soon (Good News Network)

A group of engineering students have invented a smart silencer that can be attached to leaf blowers, reducing their noise by nearly 40%! These silencers can reduce noise without affecting the leaf blower's efficiency.

Sure, in the scheme of things this isn't going to revolutionize the world, but it shows that there are many problems that can be solved by ingenious solutions!

Lung Cancer Drug Elicits Unprecedented Results in New Trial (Good News Network)

In 2024, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. A new drug has been found greatly improve the survival rate of lung cancer based on results of a recent five-year phase III trial. 60% of patients were alive without any progression of the disease.

Binti Malu / Pexels / Canva

Pete Kelly

Monday, June 17th, 2024 3:03pm

Here are some good news stories from this past week!

A study published in Radiology found low-level light therapy can help people recover from brain injuries! When low-level light therapy was given within 72 hours of patient injuries, they found an increase in resting-state function of the brain. (Good News Network)

US crime rates have dropped by double-digits compared to this time last year! Comparing first quarter of this year compared to last year, murder is down more than 26%, robbery is down nearly 18%, property crime is down over 15% and more. (Good News Network)

Eating pomegranates could help alleviate memory problems for those with dementia and Alzheimer's! The test has only been conducted on mice so far, but according to researchers, the tests have been promising. (Good News Network)

Miguel Á. Padriñán / Pexels

Pete Kelly

Friday, May 31st, 2024 3:52pm

Scientists have found a way to grow micro-diamonds from scratch in just 15 minutes! These could allow the diamond industry to create pretty much unlimited numbers of diamonds without needing high temperatures or pressure, and could make diamonds cheap to buy! Read more here

Developers in India have created a portable airdrop hospital that can be used for Natural Disasters! It can treat up to 200 people at the same time and features medical equipment, AI and data analytics to help make things as efficient as possible. The hospital can be operational within 12 minutes of landing! Read more here

Scientists in Canada have developed a reusable sponge-like material that can soak up spilled oil out of water or repel it. This can be used to quickly clean up oil spills in the ocean without harming anything in the ocean, and can prevent the oil from reaching the shoreline. Read more here

Pixabay / geralt

Pete Kelly

Friday, March 15th, 2024 1:04pm

Here are some good news stories going into the weekend! This week all of our stories are about the positives of artificial intelligence thanks to Freethink!

  • AI is helping replant forests in Brazil! AI is able to use drones to pinpoint and drop seeds in hard-to-reach areas, and can drop 180 seed capsules every minute. That's roughly 100 times faster than humans!
  • AI is helping with recycling! A UK startup has developed an AI system that analyzes recycling facilities that can help recover and recycle more waste that currently ends up in landfills. The company says they've identified over 85 tons of material that could be recovered.
  • AI is helping with melting icebergs! AI has been trained to map icebergs and measure changes in them roughly 10,000 times faster than humanly possible! This will allow scientists to learn more about them and potentially start proactive measures to slow their melting.

Read more about these stories and more here!

Pexels / juan mendez

Pete Kelly

Friday, March 8th, 2024 3:08pm

Here are some good news stores for you going into the weekend!

Crime Rates Dropped Considerably in 2023

2023 was the largest single-year drop in homicides ever recorded, and the largest percentage decline for violent crimes! Murder was down over 13% in smaller cities, and over 12% in large cities! The only caveat -- Chicago & Los Angeles weren't included in the survey as data wasn't available for those cities as of the study being published, but it's still encouraging news!

90-Year-Old British Soccer Player

Mike Fisher, better known as "Ninja", is a 90-year-old soccer player. This grandfather of two has been playing soccer for 75 years, plays about 3 times a week, and scores roughly 3 goals per game! To celebrate his 90th birthday he scored five goals in a single game!

Smartphone App Detects Ear Infections

A new AI powered app can detect if you have an ear infection just by using a cell phone camera. This would allow doctors to diagnose and treat these infections better, and help doctors skip using antibiotics if they’re not necessary



Image by Lars Nissen from Pixabay

Pete Kelly

Friday, January 26th, 2024 4:13pm

In all of 2023, there were no large aircraft involved in any crashes after tens of thousands of flights! The next time you're nervous to board a flight, just remember we're living in the safest time to fly in history.

Read more here from Good News Network!

Image by ktphotography from Pixabay

Pete Kelly

Friday, January 26th, 2024 3:48pm

A new study reveals dancing significantly benefits overweight individuals, improving body mass, waist circumference, blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, fitness, cognitive disorders, and mental health. 

Creative dance styles show notable body composition benefits over traditional exercise due to full-body motions and reduced fatigue. Dance's social aspect makes it easier to sustain compared to other exercises. Dancing is a holistic approach to health improvement, offering a fun and effective alternative for combating obesity and related ailments.

Read more from Good News Network!

Jocelyn Slaughter

Sunday, January 7th, 2024 2:07pm

All around the world, people have found and shared hundreds of ways that they ring in the New Year. Most importantly, doing so in the happiest and healthiest light. 

According to recent surveys, there a few different ways that our populations will be ringing in the New Year with “good health” in mind. Now, let’s keep in mind that being “healthy” looks different for everyone. But when it really comes down to it, what levels of self-care are sought out to be most prevalent for the 2024 New Year?

Well, according to the Good News Network, these are the current standings: 

1. Be more physically active — 40%
2. Eat healthier foods — 37%
3. Maintain a positive mindset — 30%
4. Spend time doing things they love — 22%
5. Sleep more hours — 22%
6. Spend more time with loved ones — 19%
7. Set goals for themselves — 16%
8. Monitor stress levels — 16%
9. Utilize products that help their body internally (vitamins, superfoods) — 14%
10. Visit their health care provider more often — 12%

At the end of the day, it seems there’s quite a few ways to get these healthy rituals in place. Which ways are you going to practice self-care and healthy behaviors this 2024 New Year?


Pixabay - TheDigitalArtist/Pete Linforth

Pete Kelly

Friday, January 5th, 2024 1:05pm

Scientists have discovered a new antibiotic that has the potential to kill bacteria that have become resistant to commonly used drugs. Antibiotic resistance is a significant global health concern, and this finding represents a promising development in the ongoing battle against drug-resistant bacteria. The new antibiotic could be a crucial tool in treating infections that were previously difficult to address, offering hope for more effective medical treatments in the future. Swiss scientists say this could completely eliminate one of three antibiotic-resistant infections. 

Read more here from Good News Network!

Pixabay - ElisaRiva

Pete Kelly

Friday, January 5th, 2024 11:50am

Scientists have found a connection between memory and a protein called LIMK1 in the brain. This protein helps shape the structures that neurons use to communicate, allowing us to form memories. In an experiment with mice, researchers modified the LIMK1 protein, essentially creating a "molecular switch." When this switch was activated, it improved the mice's ability to form and recall memories, and even slowed down memory decline in older mice.

The researchers hope it could lead to new drugs that might help with memory-related conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia. Their next steps involve more research to prove the effectiveness of these potential treatments.

Read more now from Freethink!

Pixabay - Pexels

Pete Kelly

Friday, December 15th, 2023 10:19am

Last week, 12-year-old Isaac Winfield opened a gift bank to help parents who can't buy presents for their kids. On the first day, 200 children came, and they received baby toys, books, dolls, teddy bears, Nerf guns, blankets, toiletries, and more! He's previously helped open up food banks in his community.

Read more from Good News Network!

Pixabay - albertoadan

Pete Kelly

Friday, December 15th, 2023 9:52am

Detroit just set up the first wireless-charging road in the U.S.! It uses Electreon technology, with coils in the road that charge electric vehicles while they drive over them. The charging happens through a magnetic field when a car with a compatible receiver is nearby. In 2024, they plan to upgrade more of the city with inductive charging!

Read more here from Good News Network

Pixabay - PublicDomainPictures

Pete Kelly

Friday, December 8th, 2023 10:26am

Geologists at MIT have found a clay mineral which could help lower global temperatures! This mineral found on the seafloor called smectite, can capture carbon over millions of years. Researchers believe these minerals may have contributed towards the ice ages as they were created after major tectonic events. Used in small amounts, it's possible these minerals could help offset increasing global temperatures.

Read more about smectites here!

Pixabay - Myriams-Fotos

Pete Kelly

Friday, December 8th, 2023 10:05am

Biochemists at Stanford University have developed a hydrogel treatment for diabetes which can treat patients for up to four months with just a single dose! This hydrogel is easier to manufacture, inject and eliminates the need for daily or weekly injections. 

So far it's been successfully tested on rats and now it just needs to be tested in larger animals, including humans. With 38 million people in the United States with diabetes, and nearly 100 million with prediabetes, this could help a large part of our population live better lives!

Read more about it here!

Pixabay - geniuserp

Pete Kelly

Friday, December 8th, 2023 9:48am

According to Good News Network, crime rates have been falling in major US cities over the past year!

In Detroit, they are on pace for their lowest homicide rate in 60 years, with homicide rates down 18%.

In Chicago, shootings and homicides have dropped 19%, and have returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Other major cities, including Los Angeles, have reported similar drops in homicides, with Los Angeles homicides falling by 25% year-over-year.

Pixabay - Efraimstochter

Pete Kelly

Friday, December 1st, 2023 1:00pm

Charlie Jeffers, a high school senior in California started Pass The Bricks in 2020 to provide kids with LEGO bricks who couldn't afford them. Since then, his team has collected used LEGO bricks, restored them and distributed the bricks to over 3,000 kids in need!

Read more now from Good News Network!

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